
If you’ve never heard the name Bulls Cyclone Sullivan. It’s because you’re not listening. Sullivan’s name hangs over the red clay hills in black prairies of Eastern Mississippi. Like a lingering echo from some primordial event. Residents frequently and ceremoniously recount his legend like ancient Greek speaking of Odysseus, or Vikings telling their children of Beowulf. Sullivan, however, was a real man. He left large footprints on this earth, and left his fingerprints on the lives of hundreds of men, who are fortunate enough to step into his crosshairs, as 18 and 19 year old on the campus of East Mississippi Junior College in scuba, Mississippi. Whether God ceded scuba to Sullivan, or banished him there is unknown, but the town and football coach were unquestionably made for one another, and no other place on Earth, at no other time, could a coach exert such complete authority and utter control over a team and campus. In this whisper of a town located somewhere around the Alabama border, Sullivan enjoyed an anonymity that allowed his psychological and gridiron alchemy to evolve hidden from the judgment of the world. There was no watchdog media present to question Sullivan’s use of barbed wire, firearms, or alligators at practice, but nor were they present to recognize him for conjuring a never-before-seen, rocket-fueled offense. They would be credited to NFL Hall of Famer, Bill Walsh. over three decades later. In the 43 years since his death, the legend of Bull Cyclone Sullivan has been meticulously maintained by a Knights Templar of his former players. These firsthand witnesses of both Sullivan’s brilliance and brutality glide among us today as unassuming grandfatherly figures in their late 60s and 70s. But take a moment to look into their eyes. And you might catch a glimpse of Sullivan staring back at you, requested, and these gridiron warriors will serenade you with an epic saga of a fierce Marine who became one of the most feared and loved football coaches ever to roam a sideline. A hero who strives, falls, and ultimately finds salvation. Listen, and you will hear the name Bull Cyclone Sullivan.