
Visiting Buckner in the hospital.

Buckner breaks jaw against Jones.

Sullivan receiving Christ.

Sullivan bursts into dorm room.

Sullivan blocks doorway.

Sullivan makes recruiting visit to a high school.

Sullivan coaching one of his prized quarterbacks.

Unusual halftime motivational tactics.

Sullivan children "count off" before a road trip.

Dictating a letter with Virginia prior to being fired.

Digging up a human skull.

Eating decorative flowers at a restaurant.

Equipment room issues helmets with no facemasks.

Film review while Virginia sleeps.

First black player in Scooba.

Fighting in a fox hole in the Pacific.

Grass drills at Camp Rockbrook.

Headon tackling drills.

Forcing players to walk home after using a racial slur.

Armed manager at the practice gate.

Manager delivers flowers to Mrs. Sullivan.

Marines charging a hill in the Pacific.

Lester Smith plays without shoulder pads.

Mrs. Sullivan and kids painting the famed skull helments

Daughters play “Stardust” on the piano for Sullivan.

Using the edge of the pond as the goal line,

School president discovers his dead dogs.

Sullivan and kids on a road trip.

Players running up and down the stairs of the Alamo.

Secret meeting that resulted in Sullivan’s termination.

Sullivan selling insurance.

Shooting “spies” at practice.

Sullivan threatening a receiver that keeps dropping passes.

Sullivan at home and without a team.

Addressing the team after practice.

Sullivan teaching about butterfly migration patterns.

Sullivan yealling at ref.

Sullivan yelling at the school president.